Type 1 Diabetic finds intermittent fasting made life easier

I wasn’t aware a Type 1 Diabetic could fast at all. I always thought they had to keep their blood sugar at a certain level otherwise they could suffer some severe reactions. You learn something new every day!

Intermittent fasting also provided a more Zen-like approach to my waking hours, a change that I soon came to realize I desperately craved. Because by no longer eating three to five meals a day, my mental load — the one I have from living with diabetes — went “poof.”
Dr. Jake Kushner, a pediatric endocrinologist formerly at Baylor College of Medicine and now with McNair Interests, a private equity firm, understood my pain. “People with diabetes can slay it really well, but they have to wake up tomorrow and slay it again,” he said, something I knew well from my life with Type 1.

The New York Times


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