What happens to your body while Intermittent Fasting

This article describes exactly how I came to live the way I do. I just did over a period of years with no guidance whatsoever other than listening to my body and using my common sense.

Whoever came up with the concept of 3 meals a day must have worked in the food industry because common sense will tell you that prior to agriculture, humans, as wild animals would not have three meals a day. We probably ate one or two meals at most if we were able to find food or catch an animal. There was no one waking up and starting their day with a bowl of cereal or frying up a couple of eggs.

I don’t agree with their opinion on late night eating because everyone is different. I’ve been doing it for decades with no adverse consequences whatsoever. They also advocate for a mostly plant based diet which is fine if that’s what you like but if you don’t I don’t see anything wrong with eating plenty of meat. To each his own and what ever works… works.

To understand IF, you have to first understand what happens when you eat.
“Insulin is a hormone that’s released when we eat, but it isn’t meant to be released all the time,” Tello says. “Intermittent fasting is simply letting your insulin level go down to basically normal so that you unlock your fat stores. So nobody’s going to lose any weight unless they get that insulin level down. And which is why eating very small meals throughout the day doesn’t really help with weight loss.”
Waiting a bit longer than usual between meals is totally normal, she says, despite what societal cues tell us.
“Historically, we didn’t have access to things like snacks even up until a hundred years ago,” Tello says. “People did not have KIND bars. People, nowadays, keep food in their glove compartments, for God’s sake. It’s like people can’t stand to be even a little bit hungry for a second. That’s not normal, that’s not healthy.”



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