I’ve read this in several places now in both books and articles and hopefully it’s a promising way to treat the Alzheimer’s Disease. The basic idea is that the brains of people with Alzheimer’s can’t metabolize glucose and people on a low carb or keto diet rely on metabolizing ketones rather than glucose. Therefore, their brains are able to function better because their bodies are using something their brains can also use for energy.
The study discussed in this article is super tiny so until a really large study is conducted no one knows for sure. But, wouldn’t it be great to treat a disease as bad as Alzheimer’s with what you eat rather than with pharmaceuticals?
In all, 12 participants were assigned to the NIA group and 15 were assigned to the MAD group. The researchers found that participants on the Atkins diet had increased memory and energy, compared to participants on the NIA diet who decreased memory and had lower energy.
Medical News Bulletin
It should be noted that the researchers found it difficult to find participants to enroll in the study, as many individuals did not want to change their diets, and nine of those who did enroll eventually dropped out, reporting they didn’t want to consume a diet any longer. Considering the study was only 12 weeks long, the results do not conclusively suggest a low carbohydrate diet is an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease, but suggest that there is merit in further research on the topic.
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