Passing off people who are on a low carb diet as cultists who ignore science is not a good way to put forth your argument. Especially since there is now a great deal of science behind the benefits of going low carb.
While a diet high in full-fat dairy, butter, ghee and coconut oil can help us feel fuller for longer and reduce our sugar cravings, too much saturated fat raises cholesterol levels in the blood, which can lead to “furred up” arteries and an increased chance of having a heart attack or stroke.
The quote above from the article is highly simplistic with its claims regarding cholesterol. We now know in order to determine if you have a cholesterol problem that you need to do a deep dive into your HDL and LDL levels. It’s far more complex than just seeing higher levels.
As to why we have the rates of obesity and diabetes that we do? While low carb high-fat proponents say it’s because the food pyramid is a lie, medical professionals at places like the British Dietetic Association “believe it’s less that the guidelines are wrong, and more that we aren’t following them,” (BBC).
Anyone who has looked into the “Food Pyramid” knows that it is, in fact, a lie. It’s based on faulty science perpetrated by Ancel Keys and the agriculture and processed food industries.
The article gives some bad advice as its conclusion by telling its readers to swap out saturated fat for whole grains (bad), high quality protein (good), non-saturated fats (bad), fresh fruit (bad), and vegetables (can be good). At least they do recommend staying away from sugar and refined carbohydrates.
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