I didn’t think this was in dispute. I don’t recall reading anywhere claims being made that simply being on the keto diet will enhance athletes’ performance. I do recall reading how simply being on the keto diet and becoming fat adapted will enhance the athletic performance of regular people. But, these are normal people who aren’t doing competitive athletics. I think the jury is still out on pro athletes and going strictly keto. There may be times when pros bodies require a quick hit of carbohydrates to perform at their peak.
The keto diet is often not the performance boosting mechanism it is claimed to be, according to an expert who plans to set the record straight at NutraIngredients’ Sports Nutrition Summit next month.
The three-day event is set to investigate some of the biggest trends in the industry and answer burning questions on how different diets influence sports performance and how industry players can best meet the needs of these athletes.
Dr Mark Evans, postdoctoral researcher at University College Dublin, will explain how the keto diet has been touted as a way to take of advantage of the body’s large fat stores to fuel exercise for longer and improve exercise performance, however, it’s important to consider how intense that exercise is going to be.
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