Sheila Johnson of

With No End in Sight Just Yet, Taking Actions Against COVID-19 Is Still a Must
It’s been several weeks since the COVID-19 outbreak started, and it can be argued that we’re still very much in its throes. With no official vaccines or medications just yet, it definitely doesn’t look like the end is in sight. For this reason, it’s important to stay informed, stay safe, and stay healthy as these are still the best ways to fight the coronavirus.
All Facts, No Myths
With the barrage of information available on COVID-19, differentiating the facts from the fallacies can spell the difference between life and death.
- At this point in the pandemic, it’s less important to focus on where COVID-19 started, as opposed to the countries that are now affected.
- Certain population groups have higher risks of severe infection, such as the elderly.
- Those with underlying health conditions such as diabetes, lung and heart disease, etc. are also especially vulnerable.
- Close contact and exposure to respiratory droplets of the infected remain the virus’ most prevalent mode of transmission.
A Body Equipped to Fight
COVID-19 will do everything it can to threaten your body, so you want to keep it strong, healthy, and better armed to fend off the unseen threat.
- Staying home is the best way to stay healthy, but you also need to take measures at home to protect and maintain both your physical and mental health.
- You can eat healthy without resorting to junk food by making use of delicious and healthy recipes using only fresh ingredients.
- Doing exercises at home is a great way to stay fit while your gym is closed.
- Even at home, be mindful of what you expose your body to, so choose DIY safety products you need, such as face masks, hand sanitizers, etc.
A COVID-19-Free Home
Your home is your sanctuary from the pandemic, but the fact is, it’s really only as safe and as virus-free as you endeavor to make it.
- Taking extra precautions will ensure that COVID-19 never enters your home.
- Even so, it definitely doesn’t hurt to keep a clean and sanitized household.
- COVID-19 has been known to stay on some surfaces for days at a time, so getting your furniture thoroughly cleaned can also be a worthwhile expense.
Perhaps we’re already seeing the tail-end of the pandemic. But until we’ve truly flattened the curve and we know for certain that it’s safe to venture back into the world and resume the lives that we’ve had to put on pause, erring on the side of caution is still best.
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