It’s been shown over the last several months that those from metabolic syndrome are most vulnerable to COVID-19. The inflammation associated with this syndrome is what puts the immune system into overdrive causing massive complications. If Americans are to improve their resistance to this virus we are going to have to adopt diets that are low in carbohydrates and restrict processed foods. Whole food eating as it’s being called today is the best medicine.
“It’s about lifestyle. Diet, exercise, healthy food choices,” Dr. Robert Wong, a gastroenterologist at Stanford University in California and a study author, told Healthline. “The U.S. health system says this a lot, but it’s not working.”
The study found that the overall percent of people in the United States with metabolic syndrome has edged up to 37.
However, a deep dive into older Americans as well as subgroups such as the Hispanic population finds the numbers soaring more than 50 percent.
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