Just say no to Keto Chow

I ran across this favorable review of these packets of Keto powdered drinks and soups called Keto Chow (sound like dog food much?) that will cost you nearly $5.00 per packet. That’s on single packet that is supposed to replace one of your meals. When ground beef is less than $3/pound in many places this is a lot of money wasted.

Keto Chow is a drink/shake mix that has been designed to provide complete nutrition to keep you in Nutritional Ketosis. It contains a third of your daily nutritional needs of electrolytes, vitamins, protein, and more.

The Gadgeteer

This is highly processed junk food that will not provide the satiety you’re looking for. In addition, it’s fortified with nutrients. Foods that have to be fortified generally means it doesn’t have the nutrients to begin with and has to be added in artificially. Absorption of nutrients from fortified foods are generally not as good as nutrients that are naturally part of the food.

Eat real food.


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