Solving the obesity epidemic can help fight the COVID-19 pandemic

It’s well known that one of the leading risk factors for severe COVID-19 is Type-2 Diabetes and obesity. The two conditions are tightly tied together. Poor metabolic health leads to both conditions and that can be solved purely through diet.

I’m not a doctor, obviously, so consult with your physician on your health. It’s my opinion that a keto friendly diet that is low in carbohydrates can help solve most metabolic health issues.

While eating right cannot prevent contracting coronavirus, optimal metabolic health can help prevent the negative impact of infection, several studies have shown. That’s because “good nutrition and maintenance of a healthy body weight is essential for adequate immune function, supporting resistance to infectious disease and reducing adverse outcomes in the event of illness,” according to Prof. Mona Boaz of the Department of Nutrition Sciences in the School of Health Sciences at Ariel University.“A poor diet, like the modern American diet, with its junk food, ultra-processed starches and cheap fats, causes metabolic dysfunction that can be a disaster when it’s combined with the coronavirus,” Glandt wrote in an eBook titled How to Eat in the Time of COVID-19 that she recently published with Ross Wollen and Jessica Apple.

Can what you eat save you from COVID-19? – The Jerusalem Post (


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