Today is National Keto Day. Who knew??

I had no idea this existed. Have at it people! It’s not that hard. Just cut out most of the carbs you are consuming and you’re well on your way. You don’t need a diet plan or a dietician to tell you what to eat. Just look at your next meal and remove the carbs.

You don’t have to eliminate them if you’re just starting out. Cut your current serving in half and over a week eliminate them altogether. Increase the portions of your protein and vegetable to compensate and you’ll find you’ll start eating less but be more full. Satiety is a feeling most people don’t feel because they’re filling themselves with empty carbs.

The Vitamin Shoppe founded the national day in 2019 as a way to raise awareness about the low-carb, high-fat diet, which has been credited for weight loss and epileptic seizure reduction. While many dieters have found success with ketogenic meal plans, researchers aren’t certain about keto’s impact long-term.

A study from National Jewish Health – a cardiac, respiratory and immune hospital – found that keto diets might help people shed pounds and promote “modest” improvements to heart health, but researchers warned that this high-fat dieting method could encourage “consumption of foods that are known to increase cardiovascular risk.” The study also claimed that keto diets might be ineffective in preventing heart disease because dieters left to their own devices tend to eat unhealthy saturated fats.

National Keto Day: Here’s what you should know before trying the diet | Fox News


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