High Fructose Corn Syrup may block Vitamin D increasing risk COVID-19 infection

It’s increasingly clear that metabolic health and Vitamin D deficiency lead to more serious cases of COVID-19. Obviously I’m not a doctor but when I heard the information in this post I had to pass it along.

I ran across the following recording of Dr. Roger Seheult of MedCram.com. In this audio he explains how High Fructose Corn Syrup can block the Vitamin D in your body from being effective thereby hurting your immune system and leaving you possibly more susceptible to COVID-19.

Then I did a little searching and found this study from 2014 where they point out the same information.

… chronic intake of high levels of dietary fructose can lead to a decrease in circulating levels of 1,25(OH)2D3 independent of dietary Ca2+ levels and of physiological increases in Ca2+ requirement. This work is highly relevant since fructose, a sugar contained in many types of foods that are being consumed at high levels, may contribute to the increasing prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency…


Then I found the video mentioned in the audio clip by Dr. Seheult on YouTube where he goes more in depth about the effects of HFCS on Vitamin D.


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