Low carb alternatives to pasta

I’m just going to come out and say it. Despite the information in the article I’m linking to today I don’t think there is a true acceptable alternative to traditional pasta. Pasta substitutes just can’t compete. That doesn’t mean you can’t use these items. But just know that your dish will not be the same.

What I use is pictured above. They are thin sheets of eggs cut into noodles. To me they have been the best substitute for pasta. They’re not watery like zucchini or other vegetables. They’re not gummy like shirataki noodles. They hold sauce and soups in the tiny bubbles of the egg sheets. They have a texture that acts much like a traditional noodle. But, make no mistake it still is not pasta.

People can use vegetables such as spaghetti squash, zucchini, and cabbage in place of regular pasta. They can also use kelp noodles or bean sprouts. These low-carb substitutes have additional beneficial nutrients and fiber, which may help to balance a person’s blood glucose.

Using pasta alternatives allows people who choose low-carb diets or those who are intolerant to gluten to enjoy their favorite recipes. The alternatives are often easy to prepare, and some are suitable for dishes such as spaghetti Bolognese and lasagna.

Medical News Today


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