Author: Kevin Bae

  • Debunking the Myth of the Mediterranean Diet: An In-depth Analysis by Dr. Zoe Harcombe

    Debunking the Myth of the Mediterranean Diet: An In-depth Analysis by Dr. Zoe Harcombe

    In a widely reported study, it was claimed that adhering to the Mediterranean diet could reduce the risk of early death in women by a quarter. However, upon closer examination of the research conducted by Dr. Zoe Harcombe, it becomes evident that the study’s conclusions may be misleading. Dr. Harcombe sheds light on several crucial…

  • Study shows positive effects for bipolar disorder while on the Ketogenic Diet

    Study shows positive effects for bipolar disorder while on the Ketogenic Diet

    The study out of Poland is about how the ketogenic diet can help people with bipolar disorder. Sometimes medications do not work well for people with bi polar disorder, so they need other ways to treat their condition. The study reports the case of a man who had bipolar disorder and tried a ketogenic diet.…

  • The Heart Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

    The Heart Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

    The ketogenic diet can have positive effects for your heart depending on how you follow it and what your individual risk factors are. Here are some of the possible benefits of the ketogenic diet for your heart health: Lower blood pressure: The ketogenic diet can help lower blood pressure by reducing insulin resistance, inflammation, and…

  • The best butter is room temperature butter… and it’s safe too

    The best butter is room temperature butter… and it’s safe too

    I’ve always loved soft spreadable butter. I expect most other people do too. Otherwise the food industry wouldn’t have developed butter substitutes that are spreadable. The problem with those butter substitutes is they’re filled with seed oils and are hydrogenated. These are bad for the human body while butter is as natural as can be…

  • Epilepsy treatment using the Keto Diet

    Epilepsy treatment using the Keto Diet

    A very low-carb diet can make a big difference for children who don’t respond well to other epilepsy treatments. The UK Epilepsy Clinic works to show families how to use the ketogenic (keto) diet to reduce and even eliminate seizures. What is the keto diet? The keto diet is often touted as a weight-loss method,…

  • Study: Time restricted eating is an effective intervention for metabolic syndrome

    Study: Time restricted eating is an effective intervention for metabolic syndrome

    Reducing visceral fat is extremely important. That’s the fat you can’t see. It’s the fat that builds up in your organs and will kill you over time. There is something called “skinny-fat” which describes someone who looks fit or healthy from the outside but has fat surrounding their internal organs. There are so many acronyms…

  • Onion Braised Brisket for Two

    Onion Braised Brisket for Two

    This takes a while to cook so set this aside for a weekend. The recipe is slightly adapted from the original I found online that used a 6 pound brisket. That’s too big for my wife and myself. When I buy brisket I buy it when it’s on sale and divide it into 2 pound…

  • Small study finds ketogenic diet benefits mental illness

    Small study finds ketogenic diet benefits mental illness

    The study is tiny. But, if true, I think it adds to the other evidence that human beings might be naturally allergic to carbohydrates. So many ailments seem to improve when on a low carb or ketogenic diet that it is getting harder to ignore the evidence. Symptoms of depression and psychosis improved in all 28 patients…

  • Study shows naturally lean people eat and move less

    Study shows naturally lean people eat and move less

    Researchers studied the difference between healthy underweight people versus normal weight people and found those people who are naturally lean eat less and move less than those with normal weights. The stereotype of the lean person that can eat anything they want because they burn it all off may not be true. The study found…