Author: Kevin Bae

  • Is peanut butter keto friendly?

    Is peanut butter keto friendly?

    According to an article in Good Housekeeping 3 registered dieticians say peanut butter is keto friendly. In general, registered dietitian Abigail Rapaport Fay, RDN, says that natural peanut butter is absolutely keto-friendly. This is because they follow the ratio of high fat, moderate protein and low carb (and low sugar). Molly Devine, RDN, a registered dietitian and the author of Essential…

  • Creation of US dietary guidelines correlate with rise in childhood obesity

    Creation of US dietary guidelines correlate with rise in childhood obesity

    I was reading an article by Zoe Harcombe this morning where she covers why we eat carbohydrates. In the article she gives the year in which the United States started issuing dietary guidelines. It’s 1977 by the way. I had always thought the federal government’s involvement in the public school system, in particular the school…

  • New York Times reports no benefit to time restricted eating… but what did participants in the study eat?

    New York Times reports no benefit to time restricted eating… but what did participants in the study eat?

    The New York Times reported on a study in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on time restricted eating, or as it is more commonly known these days, intermittent fasting. It’s important to note the study was also based on calorie restriction, which was left out of the headline, in addition to time restriction.…



    I was looking through Google News this morning and ran across this story about a kid who was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes months after recovering from COVID-19. When their 11-year-old son started losing weight and drinking lots of water, Tabitha and Bryan Balcitis chalked it up to a growth spurt and advice from his health…

  • USDA study shows Black Turtle Beans help alleviate insulin resistance

    USDA study shows Black Turtle Beans help alleviate insulin resistance

    This USDA sponsored study showed that cooked black turtle beans helped with improving sensitivity to insulin in mice. The USDA data on cooked black turtle beans also show there are 24g of carbs per 100g serving. I would need to see this study reviewed by some low carb experts before I would venture to add…

  • Today is National Keto Day. Who knew??

    Today is National Keto Day. Who knew??

    I had no idea this existed. Have at it people! It’s not that hard. Just cut out most of the carbs you are consuming and you’re well on your way. You don’t need a diet plan or a dietician to tell you what to eat. Just look at your next meal and remove the carbs.…

  • FDA contradicts recent science on salt and high blood pressure

    FDA contradicts recent science on salt and high blood pressure

    The FDA is lowering the guidelines for salt intake to deal with high blood pressure even though recent studies show salt does not cause high blood pressure. A new study published in the American Journal of Hypertension analyzed data from 8,670 French adults and found that salt consumption wasn’t associated with systolic blood pressure in either men or women…

  • Benefits of intermittent fasting

    Benefits of intermittent fasting

    There are many health benefits to intermittent fasting. Prevention magazine covers many of them. Mental health is not mentioned. How can intermittent fasting help with your mental health? You save money. If you’re practicing one of the many variations of intermittent fasting you’re most likely eating less. If you’re eating less you’re most likely not…

  • New study finds metabolism doesn’t change as previously thought

    New study finds metabolism doesn’t change as previously thought

    I’m not sure what to make of this. I need someone more qualified to examine the study to make more sense of what the NYT is reporting. I thought some of this was already known. For example, metabolism changes with different stages of life. I’m not sure what they found is true across all populations…