Author: Kevin Bae

  • New study finds metabolism doesn’t change as previously thought

    New study finds metabolism doesn’t change as previously thought

    I’m not sure what to make of this. I need someone more qualified to examine the study to make more sense of what the NYT is reporting. I thought some of this was already known. For example, metabolism changes with different stages of life. I’m not sure what they found is true across all populations…

  • Are mushrooms low carb and keto friendly?

    Are mushrooms low carb and keto friendly?

    The short answer is… yes. I use mushrooms all the time to accent a meal. I put them in my omelets, serve them along side a steak, sauté them with green beans, snap peas, or broccoli among other vegetables. I think they’re great. I don’t think it’s possible to add so many mushrooms to a…

  • New study says increased exercise doesn’t always lead to burning more calories throughout the day

    New study says increased exercise doesn’t always lead to burning more calories throughout the day

    It seems the human body tries to balance itself out all the time. This makes sense if you think about it. Your body is always trying to survive. If you fast your body’s metabolism will slow so you don’t starve to death too quickly. If you eat frequently your metabolism fires up in order to…

  • Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting helps woman lose 105 lbs.

    Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting helps woman lose 105 lbs.

    It’s not all about calories in and calories out. Although on a Keto Diet you may indeed eat fewer calories because your satiety levels are much higher. If you’re not hungry all the time you’re not eating all the time and that’s where the magic of Intermittent Fasting adds to the progress. I lived a keto…

  • Are we counting carbs wrong?

    Are we counting carbs wrong?

    Personally, I don’t count carbs at all. I don’t know how many I consume in a day. I don’t track macros either. What I do, and it’s a practice I’ve had for decades now, is eat mostly meat and vegetables that are cooked at home. If I do look at a label to see the…

  • American Diabetes Association sees strong genetic links with Type-2 diabetes

    American Diabetes Association sees strong genetic links with Type-2 diabetes

    Personally I believe almost everything is genetically linked. With something like Type-2 diabetes there may be people that are more susceptible than others but it seems relatively curable through diet. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) states that type 2 diabetes has a stronger link to family history and lineage than type 1. It goes on to say…

  • Is beef jerky healthy?

    Is beef jerky healthy?

    Beef jerky is healthy without the sugar. That’s the problem with most beef jerky on the market today. You have to be careful and really read the label. A lot of jerky uses a lot of sugar. That’s part of the reason why it tastes so good. It’s not that low sugar jerky is bad.…

  • Pecans may help reduce cholesterol

    Pecans may help reduce cholesterol

    I love pecans. I regularly make nacho cheese pecans. I created my own nacho cheese seasoning based off of a recipe I saw from Bon Appetit’s former YouTube channel. I fry raw pecans with salted butter in a pot. When they are a deep brown I remove them to a bowl and toss them with…

  • Solving the obesity epidemic can help fight the COVID-19 pandemic

    Solving the obesity epidemic can help fight the COVID-19 pandemic

    It’s well known that one of the leading risk factors for severe COVID-19 is Type-2 Diabetes and obesity. The two conditions are tightly tied together. Poor metabolic health leads to both conditions and that can be solved purely through diet. I’m not a doctor, obviously, so consult with your physician on your health. It’s my…