Category: Blog

  • Dr. Garth Davis promotes plant based diet over low-carb

    Dr. Davis used to promote a low-carb keto diet. He even wrote a book about it. But something changed his tune and now he’s giving different advice and promoting a largely plant based diet. If a plant based diet works for you than more power too you. I think most of the problems on the…

  • Keto Whoopie Pie Squares

    Keto Whoopie Pie Squares

    I’m new to the keto dessert scene. I’m not big on desserts to begin with but I do like the occasional sweet treat every now and then. These were delicious and have less than 2 net carbs per serving. Here’s the recipe: Ingredients: • 2 tbsp butter softened• 1 large egg• 1 1/4 cup heavy…

  • Is “Orthorexia” real? And if it is, does it matter?

    So you’re obsessed with “clean eating”. Is this a problem? What exactly is clean eating anyway? According to a paper written by Cristina Hanganu-Bresch, an associate professor at the University of the Sciences, at it’s extreme, “adherents shun all sugar, all carbs, all dairy, all meat and animal products, gluten, starch, pesticides, herbicides — anything…

  • Pros and Cons of keto friendly sweeteners

    I don’t like artificial sweeteners much. They just don’t taste the same as sugar. But, I have on occasion used monk fruit and if I use it sparingly it seems to be a passable solution. To me, there still is no replacement for real sugar. I think we just have to be disciplined in how…

  • Is coffee the true super food you’ve been looking for?

    I doubt that coffee is a super food just like I don’t believe in anything being a super food. Food is food and too much of anything probably is not good for you. But, at the same time, I like to drink coffee and I’m not afraid to have a cup or five during the…

  • Why nutrition science is broken

    Anyone that actually pays attention to reporting on the latest nutrition studies regarding eggs, wine, vegetables, or anything else concerning our diets knows that the “studies” are at best correlative. This simply means that someone did something and it just so happens that something else happened either at the same time or shortly thereafter. It…

  • New study says being overweight can adversely affect your brain

    I wonder if they were using their brains while conducting this study? From the short article there isn’t enough information to say anything regarding weight and the brain. All they did was take measurements six years apart. There is no way to know what these people did in between the time the measurements were taken.…

  • Is this the Keto Diet’s moment? Or will it fade away as just another diet fad?

    My personal experience says that this type of lifestyle works. Limiting carbohydrates and not eating so much will keep your weight stable and keep you in a good position to be as healthy as you can be. Denying yourself, however, is never a good thing. While I do live my life naturally eating fewer carbs…

  • Signs you might be harming yourself through intermittent fasting

    I highly doubt that eating one meal per day or limiting yourself to a window of time per day for eating will harm anyone. I think we all eat too much already. But, like anything else, too much of a good thing can always turn into something bad. As long as you’re not going to…