Tag: Book

  • Book: Dark Calories, How vegetable oils destroy our health and how we can get it back

    Book: Dark Calories, How vegetable oils destroy our health and how we can get it back

    I often hear about how bad vegetable oils are for human health. Much of the noise centers around the argument that vegetable oils are harmful because they’re highly refined and have origins in industrial lubrication. On the surface, they might seem bad, but are they really? And if they are, is there an evil corporate…

  • Book Review: Outlive, The Science & Art of Longevity

    Book Review: Outlive, The Science & Art of Longevity

    I’m just a regular person. Keep this in mind when reading this review. I didn’t think there was much new information in Dr. Attia’s book. He covers the subject of longevity in three parts. The first is about modern medicine, the second is largely about diet, and the third is about exercise. Sprinkled into the…

  • Mitochondria dysfunction may be the common denominator between metabolic & mental health problems

    Mitochondria dysfunction may be the common denominator between metabolic & mental health problems

    Dr. Christopher M. Palmer, a Harvard researcher and psychiatrist, wrote a book called “Brain Energy: A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Understanding Mental Health and Improving Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD, and More. Yes, I know, that subtitle is a mouthful. In Brain Energy, Dr. Palmer connects mitochondria dysfunction to mental health issues like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s,…

  • Book: Life in the Fasting Lane

    Last week I finished reading, “Life in the Fasting Lane”, and I think it’s a great book for anyone looking to get into intermittent fasting or even fasting for longer periods. The book follows the real experiences of Eve Mayer and chronicles her successes and struggles with weight, diet, and fasting. There is nothing better…

  • This couple had such success on the Keto Diet they wrote a book about it.

    A cancer researcher and kinesiology professor and a health journalist found out about the Keto Diet and after 6 years of success decided to write a book about the science behind it. Dave Harper and Dale Drewery are not only romantic partners, they’re keto diet partners as well. In 2013, the couple, who live in Vancouver and have…

  • The Ketogenic Bible

    I have read other books on the science behind low carbohydrate diets. I was keenly interested in this one because it focuses on the Ketogenic Diet in particular. Most people who know me know that I watch what I eat… meaning that I watch the food as I shovel it into my mouth. But, I’ve…