Tag: COVID-19

  • Solving the obesity epidemic can help fight the COVID-19 pandemic

    Solving the obesity epidemic can help fight the COVID-19 pandemic

    It’s well known that one of the leading risk factors for severe COVID-19 is Type-2 Diabetes and obesity. The two conditions are tightly tied together. Poor metabolic health leads to both conditions and that can be solved purely through diet. I’m not a doctor, obviously, so consult with your physician on your health. It’s my…

  • Study: Metabolic Syndrome on the Rise

    Some of the unchanging facts during the COVID-19 pandemic is that most of the people that are having severe reactions and having difficulty recovering are those with metabolic syndrome. What is metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is a clustering of at least three of the five following medical conditions: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high blood…

  • 4 Tension Relief Tactics for Households in Self-Isolation

    Sheila Johnson of wellshelia.net Have tensions in your household been growing since your family initially went into self-isolation because of the COVID-19 pandemic? When you’re facing an unprecedented challenge, it can be hard to keep your emotions in check – and everyone in your household is probably struggling to do the same. With life slowly…

  • Metabolic Syndrome is growing in the United States

    It’s been shown over the last several months that those from metabolic syndrome are most vulnerable to COVID-19. The inflammation associated with this syndrome is what puts the immune system into overdrive causing massive complications. If Americans are to improve their resistance to this virus we are going to have to adopt diets that are…

  • Fighting COVID-19 by going low carb

    More and more evidence shows that the high risk factors for dying from COVID-19 can be reversed within weeks when going on a low carb diet. Almost immediately blood sugars stabilize, people become less insulin resistant, and inflammation throughout the body goes down. Other studies have found that dietary changes can rapidly and substantially improve…

  • How to protect yourself against COVID-19

    Sheila Johnson of wellshelia.net With No End in Sight Just Yet, Taking Actions Against COVID-19 Is Still a Must It’s been several weeks since the COVID-19 outbreak started, and it can be argued that we’re still very much in its throes. With no official vaccines or medications just yet, it definitely doesn’t look like the…

  • Poor metabolic health is the weakness that allows COVID-19 to kill

    It’s not the virus that is the big killer. It’s the virus plus the Standard American Diet (SAD). The US will suffer the most because we are the least metabolically healthy. The map above shows where U.S residents are at increased risk for severe Covid-19 illness, compared with the national average. It is based on…

  • Type-2 Diabetes patients with COVID-19 and control blood sugar fair better

    The investigators said they were surprised to see that patients with well-controlled blood sugar had lower mortality rates compared with those with poorly controlled levels. Furthermore, those with well-managed T2D also received fewer medical interventions, including supplemental oxygen or ventilation, and had fewer overall complications. “We were surprised to see such favorable outcomes in [the]…

  • 25% of COVID-19 deaths in England had diabetes

    More than a quarter of all NHS patients who have died after being infected with Covid-19 had diabetes, according to new statistics from NHS England. Between 31 March and 12 May, a total of 5,873 patients with diabetes died in hospital from Covid-19, 26 per cent of all coronavirus deaths. It’s the first time data…