Tag: COVID-19

  • The American diet and COVID-19 mortality

    The link between poor metabolic health and death from COVID-19 keeps cropping up in the news. Doctors and scientists are discovering two common characteristics among many of those who are losing their battle with COVID-19 — they are overweight or obese and suffer from a chronic disease. Ninety four percent of deaths from COVID-19 are…

  • The latest on COVID-19 and obesity

    According to the study authors, one way that obesity might increase the risk of severe COVID-19 involves respiratory dysfunction. People with obesity are more likely to have higher resistance in their airways, lower lung volumes, and weaker respiratory muscles, which are critical in the defense against COVID-19. These factors make an individual more likely to…

  • Poor metabolic health increases vulnerability to COVID-10

    If there was ever a time to get your metabolic health in order it’s now. The biggest risk factors for having severe reactions or even death, other than age, with regard to COVID-19 is obesity, Type-2 Diabetes, and other associated conditions from metabolic syndrome. Despite our nation’s ability to produce so much healthful food, fewer…

  • Low Carb MD Podcast: Dr. Ariel Ortiz

    Give a listen to this week’s Low Carb MD Podcast. They interview Dr. Ariel Ortiz and discuss metabolic health and how it relates to COVID-19. Keep up with all their episodes at http://www.lowcarbmd.com/

  • Worse outcomes for COVID-19 patients with Diabetes

    If there aver was a time to reduce your carb consumption this is it. Those with diabetes seem to have a much worse time with the COVID-19 virus. More than ever before Metabolic Health is important. While anyone is susceptible to contracting the new coronavius, people with diabetes or metabolic syndrome — a cluster of…

  • Metabolic Health and COVID-19

    We are only just beginning to guess why insulin resistance allows the novel coronavirus to be so damaging. We know that insulin resistance leads to chronic inflammation, and that it otherwise impairs our immune response in myriad ways. In the insulin resistant body, fat cells are overstuffed, and they spill fat into the bloodstream. Fat…

  • Metabolic Health looks to be the new focus in fighting COVID-19

    Story after story crops up regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on people who have Type-2 Diabetes and/or are obese. The virus seems to affect people with these conditions regardless of age. Many times I’ve seen reports of a relatively young person (below 40 years old) with no underlying health conditions dying from the…

  • The Swine Flu Fiasco

    This is why we need to remain skeptical and not jump to conclusions and react out of fear and panic. Even doctors and scientists make mistakes because they are only human like the rest of us. As all those in the keto & low carb community knows, the government surely makes mistakes.

  • The word is out. The Keto Diet can’t protect you from contracting COVID-19

    File this under DUH! If you believe that any diet makes you less susceptible to contracting any viral infection then I have a bridge to sell you in Manhattan. And we can’t believe we have to ask this: Can the keto diet stop you from contracting the coronavirus if it ever finds its way into…