Tag: Exercise

  • Moderate Method exercise routine

    Moderate Method exercise routine

    I don’t have a goal to lose weight or build big muscles. If I do have workout goals, they would be to maintain muscle tone and to be able to walk and run for at least the next few decades. I’m 57 at the moment, so that means I want to be mobile until I’m…

  • The Moderate Method

    The Moderate Method

    The Moderate Method is about a personalized way of living. There are three steps to my method. In order, they are diet, exercise, and life. It’s all rather obvious and meant to be so. You start where you have the most control and move on from there. Diet refers to what you eat, exercise refers…

  • Tips for Staying Healthy and Fit at Home

    Tips for Staying Healthy and Fit at Home

    Image by freepik By: Stephanie Haywood of mylifeboost.com In our busy lives, finding time for self-care and fitness may seem like a luxury, but it’s crucial for our well-being. This guide provides strategies and tips across five key areas of self-care and fitness. Each section promotes a holistic approach to health, enhancing daily life and fostering…

  • Improve Your Overall Wellness With These Lifestyle Changes

    Improve Your Overall Wellness With These Lifestyle Changes

    By: Sheila Johnson of wellshelia.net Life can be stressful, and it’s easy to get bogged down in the daily grind. Between work, family commitments, and trying to juggle a social life on top of it all, it can be difficult to find time for yourself. If you’ve been struggling with your physical or mental health lately,…

  • 5 Tips for Women Who Want to Lose Weight

    5 Tips for Women Who Want to Lose Weight

    By Diane Harrison of HealthPSA.info When you want to get in better shape, have more energy, and live a healthier life, one of the first things you may do is try to lose weight. Unfortunately, women often have a harder time than men when trying to lose weight. If you want your weight loss journey…

  • Study shows naturally lean people eat and move less

    Study shows naturally lean people eat and move less

    Researchers studied the difference between healthy underweight people versus normal weight people and found those people who are naturally lean eat less and move less than those with normal weights. The stereotype of the lean person that can eat anything they want because they burn it all off may not be true. The study found…

  • Simple, Budget-Friendly Tips for Staying Healthy

    Simple, Budget-Friendly Tips for Staying Healthy

    By Gabriel Patel of healthwise.com If you’re like many other people right now, you’re open to trying any tricks or hacks that will cut costs. The good news is that you don’t have to sacrifice your healthy lifestyle to save money in your daily routine. You can actually improve your health, well-being, and financial standing…

  • New study says increased exercise doesn’t always lead to burning more calories throughout the day

    New study says increased exercise doesn’t always lead to burning more calories throughout the day

    It seems the human body tries to balance itself out all the time. This makes sense if you think about it. Your body is always trying to survive. If you fast your body’s metabolism will slow so you don’t starve to death too quickly. If you eat frequently your metabolism fires up in order to…

  • The body’s hydration signals in older men may be impaired

    Older men’s bodies may not provide the signals necessary to let them know they need to drink. In a new study on 10 younger men (18 to 30 years old) and 10 older men (54 to 67 years old) it was found that dehydration in older adults does not lead as easily to an increase…