Tag: Intermittent Fasting

  • Intermittent fasting and exercise motivation?

    First of all, what is Slashgear doing posting about Intermittent Fasting? These tech web sites must really be reaching for readers because this has nothing to do with tech. I think the idea is that this is science and science is somewhere in the realm of tech. Not really. In addition to its other potential…

  • Jillian Michaels comes around to the Intermittent Fasting way of life? Not really

    She starts out by giving old bad advice. Losing and maintaining weight is ultimately all about calories in and calories out. Women’s Health Then it seems like she’s coming around to the keto and intermittent fasting way of life. Your metabolism is really just a bunch of hormones that tell your body all sorts of…

  • Intermittent Fasting and exercise

    The question is being asked if it is safe to exercise and also intermittently fast. First, let’s get something straight. If you don’t eat breakfast and you work out first thing in the morning you’re exercising in a relative fasted state. Hardly anyone would question a person’s ability to do this. It’s not that hard.…

  • Does Intermittent Fasting work for weight loss?

    The study and the article refer to the 5:2 method whereby 2 days out of the week calories are restricted to a very low level and the other 5 days are normal eating days with no restrictions. That to me is not Intermittent Fasting. If you’re eating you’re not fasting. Intermittent fasting, to me, is…

  • Intermittent fasting benefits reported on The Today Show

    When I hear that something I do is reported on mainstream network TV I give a little shudder. The level of depth network news gives to reporting, especially science reporting, is sooo piss poor that I fear they will misinform the public. I don’t see a reason to have the eating window be from 8am…

  • Tracking ketones and GKI

    As I’ve said before, I’ve been living the Intermittent Fasting and Keto Friendly lifestyle for over 2 decades and fell into this lifestyle quite by accident. It’s only recently that I learned that it’s the latest diet craze (hopefully not a fad). As such, I have never measured my blood sugar or ketone levels (never…

  • Signs you might be harming yourself through intermittent fasting

    I highly doubt that eating one meal per day or limiting yourself to a window of time per day for eating will harm anyone. I think we all eat too much already. But, like anything else, too much of a good thing can always turn into something bad. As long as you’re not going to…

  • Don’t fast just because our ancestors may have… do it because it works

    The article starts out by kind of trashing the idea of intermittent fasting. It snarkily criticizes people for the use of common sense and logic behind the idea of prehistoric people not eating three meals a day and by necessity following an intermittent fasting lifestyle. Then it goes on to explain that the people being…

  • New book touts recent science on Intermittent Fasting

    Fasting is one of the biggest weight-loss trends to arise in recent years. Endorsed by A-list celebrities and the subject of a spate of best-selling books, it was the eighth most-Googled diet in America in 2018. But fasting shouldn’t be dismissed as just another fad. At the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, I’ve employed what’s…