Tag: Keto Diet

  • USDA study shows Black Turtle Beans help alleviate insulin resistance

    USDA study shows Black Turtle Beans help alleviate insulin resistance

    This USDA sponsored study showed that cooked black turtle beans helped with improving sensitivity to insulin in mice. The USDA data on cooked black turtle beans also show there are 24g of carbs per 100g serving. I would need to see this study reviewed by some low carb experts before I would venture to add…

  • How to Digitally Enhance Your Cooking Experience

    How to Digitally Enhance Your Cooking Experience

    By Jennifer Scott of spiritfinder.org Keto Kooking shares information surrounding a keto friendly diet, intermittent fasting, and metabolic health. Read more informative articles today! Whether you are learning how to cook, wanting to break out of a cooking rut, or looking for ways to make cooking easier, technology can help. Keto Kooking wants you to…

  • Today is National Keto Day. Who knew??

    Today is National Keto Day. Who knew??

    I had no idea this existed. Have at it people! It’s not that hard. Just cut out most of the carbs you are consuming and you’re well on your way. You don’t need a diet plan or a dietician to tell you what to eat. Just look at your next meal and remove the carbs.…

  • Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting helps woman lose 105 lbs.

    Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting helps woman lose 105 lbs.

    It’s not all about calories in and calories out. Although on a Keto Diet you may indeed eat fewer calories because your satiety levels are much higher. If you’re not hungry all the time you’re not eating all the time and that’s where the magic of Intermittent Fasting adds to the progress. I lived a keto…

  • Solving the obesity epidemic can help fight the COVID-19 pandemic

    Solving the obesity epidemic can help fight the COVID-19 pandemic

    It’s well known that one of the leading risk factors for severe COVID-19 is Type-2 Diabetes and obesity. The two conditions are tightly tied together. Poor metabolic health leads to both conditions and that can be solved purely through diet. I’m not a doctor, obviously, so consult with your physician on your health. It’s my…

  • Just say no to Keto Chow

    Just say no to Keto Chow

    I ran across this favorable review of these packets of Keto powdered drinks and soups called Keto Chow (sound like dog food much?) that will cost you nearly $5.00 per packet. That’s on single packet that is supposed to replace one of your meals. When ground beef is less than $3/pound in many places this…

  • Today show covers the keto diet

    What is ketosis?The body always seeks out glucose (and its stored form, glycogen) for fuel. Limiting carbohydrates mean limiting the body’s favorite fuel — and so it must adapt. The alternative solution is to burn stored fat instead. The metabolic shift from burning glucose to fat produces ketones. Ketones are important because while the body…

  • The Spruce Eats – keto friendly meal delivery services for 2020 reviewed

    Going keto is confusing for some. It doesn’t have to be any harder than starting with reducing your intake of carbohydrates. But, if you don’t know where to start there is an article on The Spruce Eats where they review 9 keto meal delivery services that could get you started right away without the guesswork.…

  • Are cherries keto friendly?

    I say they are not. Only because it is very hard to stop eating too many. According to this article in Women’s Health Magazine there are way too many carbs in a cup of cherries. I wish they would give the portion size by weight because it would make more sense than by volume. You…