Tag: Keto Diet

  • Fighting COVID-19 by going low carb

    More and more evidence shows that the high risk factors for dying from COVID-19 can be reversed within weeks when going on a low carb diet. Almost immediately blood sugars stabilize, people become less insulin resistant, and inflammation throughout the body goes down. Other studies have found that dietary changes can rapidly and substantially improve…

  • Ketogenic diet as therapy through the pandemic

    The reason I’ve stayed with the ketogenic diet is because it’s transformed my mental well-being. After a lifetime of struggle with anxiety and mood swings, I am now a relatively relaxed, calm, and stable human. My energy levels are through the roof: Now that my metabolism burns fat instead of carbs, I sleep one or…

  • VA is testing the Keto Diet on veterans with Type 2 Diabetes

    Diabetes experts are expressing concerns over the VA using the Keto Diet on veterans with Type 2 Diabetes? Why? This diet was designed to help those with epileptic seizures and Type 2 diabetes. Going keto helps to increase a person’s sensitivity to insulin thereby using their own body’s ability to utilize fat for energy rather…

  • Going keto at fast food restaurants

    Men’s Health Magazine has an article on “keto hacks” while eating out at fast food or fast casual restaurants. I’m really against using the word “hacks” for this stuff but I guess it’s what people click on these days. Like eating at any other restaurant it’s all about your choices. Some of the suggestions here…

  • Study claims Keto Diet adversely effects bone density

    The study took 30 speed walkers and put half on the Keto Diet. They looked at their bone density before and after embarking on the diet. While they did show that the athletes on the Keto Diet had less bone density after changing their diet the study only followed them for 3 weeks. So, there…

  • Don’t get your information from Vice.com

    I saw the headline and I knew it would be about the ketogenic diet. So I clicked to confirm and I was right. What I didn’t expect was the massive amount of inaccurate information in such a small crappy article. Like most other diets, keto’s best advertisers are the people painfully dragging themselves through its…

  • Biochemist recommends Elon Musk send people to Mars on the keto diet

    Why is a biochemist recommending that Elon Musk put people on a keto diet when sending them to Mars? The first reason is cost. He says it will save money. The second reason is that the biochemist is Chief Medical Officer of a company that pushes the keto diet for diabetes reversal. Phinney, a nutritional…

  • Keto Meal Delivery Services?

    There’s a meal delivery service for everything now. I ran across this story in US News and World Report that talks about how difficult it is to follow the Keto Diet. And also provides a little misinformation. “The classic keto diet is a high fat, adequate protein, low carbohydrate diet designed to produce ketosis through…

  • The cult of keto?? Uh oh…

    So now the Keto Diet has reached cult status! Why does everyone have to do this? If people want to eat this way and it’s working for them then leave them alone. While some normal people might use keto judiciously to shed a few pounds fast, it also has a host of weirdly tribal followers.…