Tag: Keto Diet

  • c|net covers keto?!?

    How far has c|net fallen from the technology news site it used to be? I used to religiously read c|net and follow many of the columnists and hosts in the 1990’s and 2000’s. Now they’re reporting on the Keto Diet? Who do they think they are? The Verge? The average keto dieter wants to keep…

  • What’s the diff between keto and paleo?

    In short, the difference is primarily whether or not you consume processed or unprocessed food. With keto many people eat processed foods because they are just watching their macros. With paleo you can’t eat processed food because you’re restricting yourself to things that the supposed Paleolithic man would have eaten. To me, it all boils…

  • Meet the Ketotarian. To each his own I guess.

    Everyone needs to feel virtuous I guess. Why? Just eat what you like. You’re not saving the planet by eating vegetables instead of meat. You’re not saving the animals by eating vegetables instead of meat. No matter what you are, carnivore, omnivore, vegetarian, or vegan you’re killing something to consume it. You’re either killing plants…

  • Men’s Journal highlights keto supplements

    I’ve never taken a multi-vitamin or any other health supplement. I’ve always believed that we can get everything we need from what we eat. Wild animals don’t need supplements for health so why should we? Men’s Journal is trying to make the argument that people on the keto diet need supplements because the diet is…

  • The Plant and Animal War is real.

    There is a war going on between Plant People and Animal People and whoever wins is going to decide what we eat. Right now it’s a war of words and I hope it doesn’t go beyond that. Plant People are claiming the Animal People are killing the planet we all live on while Animal People…

  • If you’re the keto friendly way you’re killing the planet!

    Sheesh. What is a Harvard education worth these days? A Harvard nutrition professor is the latest “Chicken Little” proclaiming that the sky is falling and Keto people are responsible. If this is the type of person that might teach doctors about nutrition then we’re all in trouble. “Eating a keto diet that’s especially high in…

  • The history of the Keto Diet

    If you’re curious how this all came to be the latest fad Men’s Health Magazine has a good article with a rundown on how it all came to be. There aren’t really any conclusions drawn about the Keto Diet and I think the article does provide some balance. It especially emphasizes that with all diets…

  • Can the keto diet boost fertility?

    There seem to be more advantages to going keto. Cure for infertility? Who knows. Perhaps going keto just improves peoples’ chances of conceiving because they feel they look better and maybe have sex more often. The more you shots on goal the more points you score… theoretically. In a column on the health and wellness…

  • New short term study shows benefit of keto diet for those with type 2 diabetes

    It’s always good to see a new study showing how a simple change in diet can help to treat type 2 diabetes. Not only is it natural but it’s FREE. Following a ketogenic diet lowers blood glucose and HbA1c levels in people with type 2 diabetes, new research shows. A short-term study by Indian researchers…