Tag: Keto Diet

  • Keto staples for your grocery list

    Dieticians provide a list of foods for your shopping list if you’re looking to stay on the Keto diet. It’s an exercise to help people remove some of the guesswork. There are a lot of foods on the shelves, and it can be a ton of work just wandering the aisles and produce section reading…

  • Diets don’t work… including the Ketogenic Diet

    In Psychology Today Dr. Carolyn Ross, in my opinion, offers the best common sense approach when talking about the Ketogenic Diet. I think she is incorrect and is citing old information but at least I think she is taking a more reasoned approach to some valid criticisms of all diets. Here is a summary of…

  • Health Reporter tries to debunk the Ketogenic Diet

    This health reporter is basically regurgitating what was written on the Harvard Health Publishing web site. The points brought up are the same points that are always brought up but the recent science that debunks the negatives of a Keto Diet are never explored, either in the article or in the Harvard posting. The keto…

  • Who has heard of “Keto Crotch”?

    I really don’t have much to say on this. What can I say? We’ve all been there: a not-so-good odor coming from “down there.” And the truth is, vaginal odor can happen for a variety of reasons—from yeast infections to STDs—but lately, reports are coming in from keto dieters that they are experiencing a particularly…

  • Dr. Garth Davis promotes plant based diet over low-carb

    Dr. Davis used to promote a low-carb keto diet. He even wrote a book about it. But something changed his tune and now he’s giving different advice and promoting a largely plant based diet. If a plant based diet works for you than more power too you. I think most of the problems on the…

  • Is this the Keto Diet’s moment? Or will it fade away as just another diet fad?

    My personal experience says that this type of lifestyle works. Limiting carbohydrates and not eating so much will keep your weight stable and keep you in a good position to be as healthy as you can be. Denying yourself, however, is never a good thing. While I do live my life naturally eating fewer carbs…

  • Don’t fast just because our ancestors may have… do it because it works

    The article starts out by kind of trashing the idea of intermittent fasting. It snarkily criticizes people for the use of common sense and logic behind the idea of prehistoric people not eating three meals a day and by necessity following an intermittent fasting lifestyle. Then it goes on to explain that the people being…

  • Dr. Popper Pops off on the Keto Diet

    I think if she wasn’t so dismissive I might be inclined to listen more. But the way in which she slams low carb proponents she comes off as angry as she says they are. Here’s a video of her comments. I don’t have any issues with people who buy into whatever dietary lifestyle works for…

  • This couple had such success on the Keto Diet they wrote a book about it.

    A cancer researcher and kinesiology professor and a health journalist found out about the Keto Diet and after 6 years of success decided to write a book about the science behind it. Dave Harper and Dale Drewery are not only romantic partners, they’re keto diet partners as well. In 2013, the couple, who live in Vancouver and have…