Tag: Ketogenic Diet

  • Everything you need to know on Keto Breath and what you can do about it.

    Keto Breath is something I’ve never experienced (at least no one has told me that I offend). But I know many people do have problems with it especially when starting down the path of low carb and and the ketogenic diet. There is a product called Smart Mouth that may be able to help (not…

  • Are cherries keto friendly?

    I say they are not. Only because it is very hard to stop eating too many. According to this article in Women’s Health Magazine there are way too many carbs in a cup of cherries. I wish they would give the portion size by weight because it would make more sense than by volume. You…

  • Fighting COVID-19 by going low carb

    More and more evidence shows that the high risk factors for dying from COVID-19 can be reversed within weeks when going on a low carb diet. Almost immediately blood sugars stabilize, people become less insulin resistant, and inflammation throughout the body goes down. Other studies have found that dietary changes can rapidly and substantially improve…

  • Ketogenic Diet as possible treatment for PCOS

    The ketogenic diet has shown some promise as a non-pharmacological treatment for Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This is good news! Any time you can stop or reduce the number of prescription drugs you consume the better. The added benefit is that if it works for you it will also save you money! The results of…

  • Can you eat sweet potatoes on the Keto Diet?

    The short answer is yes if you limit the amount. I would recommend on days where you want to eat a sweet potato to severely restrict the other carbs you will eat the rest of that day. After all a SWEET POTATO is a double carbohydrate whammy. A sweet potato is a type of starchy…

  • Non-fat sour cream may not be keto-friendly

    Regular sour cream gets its thick, smooth texture from fat. To achieve the same texture and mouthfeel without fat, manufacturers typically add thickeners, gums, and stabilizers like maltodextrin, corn starch, guar gum, and xanthan gum. Given that these ingredients are derived from carbs, they can increase the carb content of low fat sour cream a…

  • Ketogenic diet as therapy through the pandemic

    The reason I’ve stayed with the ketogenic diet is because it’s transformed my mental well-being. After a lifetime of struggle with anxiety and mood swings, I am now a relatively relaxed, calm, and stable human. My energy levels are through the roof: Now that my metabolism burns fat instead of carbs, I sleep one or…

  • Is Peanut Butter Keto Friendly?

    In short… yes. But you can’t have too much or you’ll blow through your carb allotment for the day. And definitely don’t have it with jelly, jam, preserves, or bread! “Technically, peanuts are a legume, which are typically eliminated on a keto diet,” Naomi Whittel, Gainesville, Florida-based author of High Fiber Keto, tells Health. But…

  • Black coffee may be good enough on your keto diet

    Here’s good news for me. Well, it’s neither good nor bad in truth. I only drink my coffee black. In the beginning I went to black coffee because I found the need for cream and sugar a bit of a pain in the ass. Then I became accustomed to the taste of a clean cup…