Tag: Ketogenic Diet

  • The cult of keto?? Uh oh…

    So now the Keto Diet has reached cult status! Why does everyone have to do this? If people want to eat this way and it’s working for them then leave them alone. While some normal people might use keto judiciously to shed a few pounds fast, it also has a host of weirdly tribal followers.…

  • The history of the Keto Diet

    If you’re curious how this all came to be the latest fad Men’s Health Magazine has a good article with a rundown on how it all came to be. There aren’t really any conclusions drawn about the Keto Diet and I think the article does provide some balance. It especially emphasizes that with all diets…

  • Can the keto diet boost fertility?

    There seem to be more advantages to going keto. Cure for infertility? Who knows. Perhaps going keto just improves peoples’ chances of conceiving because they feel they look better and maybe have sex more often. The more you shots on goal the more points you score… theoretically. In a column on the health and wellness…

  • Possible health benefits of ketones and fasting on your intestines

    If this article is true it is a testament to the wonders of the human body and mother nature. As human beings we over think everything and sometimes believe that we can circumvent nature and our own natural state. It’s easy to see that at our core we are just animals like the rest that…

  • Keto staples for your grocery list

    Dieticians provide a list of foods for your shopping list if you’re looking to stay on the Keto diet. It’s an exercise to help people remove some of the guesswork. There are a lot of foods on the shelves, and it can be a ton of work just wandering the aisles and produce section reading…

  • Diets don’t work… including the Ketogenic Diet

    In Psychology Today Dr. Carolyn Ross, in my opinion, offers the best common sense approach when talking about the Ketogenic Diet. I think she is incorrect and is citing old information but at least I think she is taking a more reasoned approach to some valid criticisms of all diets. Here is a summary of…

  • Health Reporter tries to debunk the Ketogenic Diet

    This health reporter is basically regurgitating what was written on the Harvard Health Publishing web site. The points brought up are the same points that are always brought up but the recent science that debunks the negatives of a Keto Diet are never explored, either in the article or in the Harvard posting. The keto…

  • Going low-carb improves the ability to regulate blood sugar

    Another study is showing that limiting intake of carbohydrates allows those with Type-2 Diabetes to better control their blood sugar. Patients with type 2 diabetes improve their ability to regulate blood sugar levels if they eat food with a reduced carbohydrate content and an increased share of protein and fat. This is shown by a…

  • Ketogenic Diet and Alzheimer’s Disease

    More promising news on the Ketogenic Diet and it’s potential for treating Alzheimer’s Disease. The presence of ketone bodies has a neuroprotective impact on aging brain cells. Moreover, their production may enhance mitochondrial function, reduce the expression of inflammatory and apoptotic mediators. Thus, it has gained interest as a potential therapy for neurodegenerative disorders like…