Tag: Science

  • A call to improve dietary research

    This article is a must read. It showcases the difference between pharmaceutical research and nutritional research and how much more difficult the latter is to the former. Much of dietary research is dependent on surveys because it is next to impossible to have people captive while conducting a study. As a result it is difficult…

  • Is coffee the true super food you’ve been looking for?

    I doubt that coffee is a super food just like I don’t believe in anything being a super food. Food is food and too much of anything probably is not good for you. But, at the same time, I like to drink coffee and I’m not afraid to have a cup or five during the…

  • Why nutrition science is broken

    Anyone that actually pays attention to reporting on the latest nutrition studies regarding eggs, wine, vegetables, or anything else concerning our diets knows that the “studies” are at best correlative. This simply means that someone did something and it just so happens that something else happened either at the same time or shortly thereafter. It…

  • New study says being overweight can adversely affect your brain

    I wonder if they were using their brains while conducting this study? From the short article there isn’t enough information to say anything regarding weight and the brain. All they did was take measurements six years apart. There is no way to know what these people did in between the time the measurements were taken.…

  • Dr. Popper Pops off on the Keto Diet

    I think if she wasn’t so dismissive I might be inclined to listen more. But the way in which she slams low carb proponents she comes off as angry as she says they are. Here’s a video of her comments. I don’t have any issues with people who buy into whatever dietary lifestyle works for…

  • New book touts recent science on Intermittent Fasting

    Fasting is one of the biggest weight-loss trends to arise in recent years. Endorsed by A-list celebrities and the subject of a spate of best-selling books, it was the eighth most-Googled diet in America in 2018. But fasting shouldn’t be dismissed as just another fad. At the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, I’ve employed what’s…

  • This couple had such success on the Keto Diet they wrote a book about it.

    A cancer researcher and kinesiology professor and a health journalist found out about the Keto Diet and after 6 years of success decided to write a book about the science behind it. Dave Harper and Dale Drewery are not only romantic partners, they’re keto diet partners as well. In 2013, the couple, who live in Vancouver and have…

  • The Ketogenic Bible

    I have read other books on the science behind low carbohydrate diets. I was keenly interested in this one because it focuses on the Ketogenic Diet in particular. Most people who know me know that I watch what I eat… meaning that I watch the food as I shovel it into my mouth. But, I’ve…

  • Keto diet may be good for your mental health

    This article talks about how going keto can improve your mental health but not in a superficial way. It doesn’t talk about the satisfaction you get from slimming down but instead talks about the biological effects excess glucose can have on your brain. Good information here. For people with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, psychotic…